Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Don't give them Money, Give them Capital

Don't give them Money, Give them Capital

What to do with those annoying friends and relatives keeps asking you for money

One day, a relative of yours or a close friend asking you money, you have some to spare, so you give them some, but they keep on coming back, asking or wants to lend money from you, refusing or when you ask your money back, it might make you look like a greedy scrooge.

How to take care of friends or relatives asking you to lend them some money? Well if you have some to spare, lend them, but don't expect it will come back, its already a gift but don't say its a gift but a debt, if he paid it back then that is good, but if he don't then you won't have any hard feelings because you already expected the money won't come back, well at least he can't ask anymore from you because you can invoke or question that previous debt he had ask from you. The line stops there.

First things first, ask him what will he do why he is asking for money, for birthday? denied. For new gadgets? denied. For Debts and Bills payment? denied. Hospitalization?... maybe at least give some. For business capital? approve, lets talk about it.

If you keep helping them, then you are making them weak and lazy by letting them pass unto you their responsibilities and obligation. So giving them capital for business start up is a lot better than just giving them money, so they learn to fish for themselves than annoyingly beg for fish everyday like the famous saying.

Most of the time they will fail, but they will learn, and you won't be of any guilt that you did not lift an arm helping them. They would also have an idea on how money should be worked on and its not going to be easy as how you obtain your wealth.

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